Atiku Criticizes Nigeria's Economic Policies in Tinubu's First Year: Calls for Immediate Reforms

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Atiku Criticizes Nigeria's Economic Policies in Tinubu's First Year: Calls for Immediate Reforms

Atiku Criticizes Nigeria's Economic Policies in Tinubu's First Year: Calls for Immediate Reforms

Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar has leveled sharp criticism at President Bola Tinubu's administration, marking the president's first anniversary in office with a scathing review. Atiku argues that Nigeria remains encumbered by a struggling economy, largely due to what he describes as Tinubu's 'trial-and-error' economic policies. These policies, Atiku claims, have led to a deterioration of Nigeria's macroeconomic stability, posing severe challenges to the welfare of its citizens.

Unfulfilled Promises and Economic Challenges

When President Tinubu took office, he made ambitious promises aimed at rejuvenating Nigeria's economy. He vowed to remodel the economy, create job opportunities, ensure food security, and eradicate extreme poverty. Yet, according to Atiku, these commitments have not materialized. The former vice president contends that rather than progress, Nigeria's economic landscape has worsened over the past year.

The country's economy, which was once a beacon in Africa, has now slipped to the fourth position on the continent. Nigeria trails behind Algeria, Egypt, and South Africa, hampered by soaring inflation rates and a burgeoning cost-of-living crisis that has left many households struggling. This economic downturn, as Atiku points out, is a clear sign that the current policies are not yielding the intended results.

Contentious Policies

Atiku identifies several policies that, in his view, have contributed significantly to Nigeria's economic woes. One of the most contentious among these is the elimination of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) subsidies. The removal of these subsidies has led to an increase in fuel prices, placing additional financial strain on both businesses and consumers. Another critical policy is the unification of foreign exchange rates, a move that, according to Atiku, has not stabilized the currency as expected and has instead exacerbated inflationary pressures.

Additionally, the introduction of cost-reflective electricity tariffs has been met with widespread disapproval. These tariffs have made electricity more expensive for citizens, further compounding the financial burdens on already vulnerable households. The combination of these policies, Atiku argues, has led to a decline in the standard of living for many Nigerians.

Call for Comprehensive Review

In light of these challenges, Atiku stresses the urgent need for a comprehensive review of the 2024 budget and the Social Investment Programme. He insists that these reviews are essential to mitigate the adverse effects of current policies on vulnerable households. The former vice president is advocating for targeted interventions that can provide immediate relief to those most affected by the economic downturn.

Proposed Measures for Economic Recovery

To address Nigeria's economic challenges, Atiku has outlined six measures for President Tinubu. First, he suggests pausing and reflecting on the current reforms to assess their impact and efficacy. This step, Atiku believes, is crucial for identifying any unintended consequences and making necessary adjustments.

Secondly, undertaking a rigorous budget review is imperative. Atiku emphasizes that the budget should be realigned to prioritize sectors that can drive economic growth and provide immediate relief to struggling households. This review should also focus on enhancing the efficiency of public spending to ensure that resources are allocated effectively.

Supporting medium and large-scale enterprises forms another critical component of Atiku's proposed measures. He argues that fostering a conducive environment for these enterprises can stimulate job creation and drive economic growth. This support could include financial incentives, reduced regulatory hurdles, and targeted investment in key industries.

Atiku also underscores the importance of tackling security issues that have plagued Nigeria. In his view, economic stability and security are intrinsically linked. By addressing security challenges, the country can create a safer environment conducive to investment and economic activities.

Moreover, enhancing social protection mechanisms is paramount. Atiku suggests that the government should expand its Social Investment Programme to provide comprehensive support to vulnerable groups. This could include cash transfers, food assistance, and investment in social infrastructure such as healthcare and education.

Finally, Atiku calls for transparent and accountable governance. He insists that for economic policies to be effective, there must be a robust framework for monitoring and evaluating their implementation. Transparency and accountability are essential for building public trust and ensuring that resources are used efficiently.


As President Tinubu marks his first year in office, the criticisms from Atiku Abubakar serve as a stark reminder of the challenges that Nigeria continues to face. While Tinubu's administration has undertaken significant reforms, the outcomes have been mixed, with many Nigerians feeling the pinch of economic hardships.

Atiku's call for a comprehensive review of current policies and the implementation of targeted measures highlights the urgent need for a reassessment of Nigeria's economic strategy. The proposed interventions aim to provide immediate relief to vulnerable households and set the country on a path to sustainable economic recovery. Only time will tell if these recommendations will be heeded and whether they will lead to the desired improvements in Nigeria's economic landscape.

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